Desiree Wilcox



Although a child of the Midwest, raised in a quaint but charming small town on a farm, and having a passion for animals and helping people live happy, passionate lives; she also has over a decade in the business management industry as a content marketing strategist, creator, journalist, and editor. A born storyteller, Desiree founded The Story Laboratory as a way to help business owners change the status quo of marketing, to tell better stories, and to have ongoing conversations with their audience. And of course, profitable customer action! Desiree frequently speaks at conferences, meetings, and workshops about the value of storytelling for businesses. She is also the Founder of the Marketing Dispensary, a company that promotes and inspires making in the Cannabis industry. You can read more about her journey if you like. Desiree spends all of her extra time with friends, family, and her fur babies. She enjoys traveling, laughing, and soaking up all of the memories she can. She prefers the more beautiful things in life, food, and sand between her toes with an occasional mountain or two! With positivity, poise, and passion, she plans on changing the world, and you can, too!

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